The Magic of the Cities.

Zen promotes the rediscovery of the obvious, which is so often lost in its familiarity and simplicity. It sees the miraculous in the common and magic in our everyday surroundings. When we are not rushed, and our minds are unclouded by conceptualizations, a veil will sometimes drop, introducing the viewer to a world unseen since childhood. ~ John Greer

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chapultepec Views 3 - [ 800th Post ]

La Jornada Cartoons:

Monument by El Fisgon (Inscription: The Grateful Mankind).

Official Picture by Hernandez.


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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Break in a Musical Bench

Street sweepers have been employed in cities since sanitation and waste removal became a priority. A street-sweeping person would use a broom and shovel to clean off litter, animal waste and filth that accumulated on streets.


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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Paz / Peace

El Ángel de la Independencia ("The Angel of Independence"), most commonly known by the shortened name El Ángel and officially known as Columna de la Independencia, is a victory column located on a roundabout over Paseo de la Reforma in downtown Mexico City.

El Ángel was built to commemorate the centennial of the beginning of Mexico's War of Independence, celebrated in 1910. In later years it was made into a mausoleum for the most important heroes of that war. It is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Mexico City, and it has become a focal point for both celebration or protest. It bears a resemblance to the Victory Column in Berlin.

The base of the column is quadrangular with each vertex featuring a bronze sculpture symbolizing Law, War, Justice and Peace. Originally there were nine steps leading to the base, but due to the sinking of the ground fourteen more steps were added. On the main face of the base, which faces downtown Mexico City, there is an inscription reading La Nación a los Héroes de la Independencia ("The Nation to the Heroes of Independence"). In front of this inscription is a bronze statue of a giant lion led by a child, representing strength and the innocence of youth during War but docility during Peace.


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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Justicia / Justice


… Finalmente, una condicion importante para el desarrollo de la biofilia ( Amor a la Vida ) es la libertad. Pero no es condicion suficiente “la libertad respecto de” trabas politicas. Si ha de desarrollarse el amor a la vida, tiene que haber libertad “para”, libertad para crear y construir, para admirar y aventurarse. Tal libertad requiere que el individuo sea activo y responsable, no un esclavo ni una pieza bien alimentada de la maquinaria.

Resumiendo, el amor a la vida se desarrollara mas en una sociedad en que haya: seguridad en el sentido de que no estan amenazadas las condiciones materiales basicas para una vida digna, justicia en el sentido de que nadie puede ser un fin para los propositos de otro, y libertad en el sentido de que todo individuo tiene la posibilidad de ser un miembro activo y responsable de la sociedad, éste ultimo punto es de particular importancia. Hasta una sociedad en que existen seguridad y justicia puede no ser conducente al amor a la vida si no se estimula la actividad creadora del individuo. No basta que los hombres no sean esclavos. Si las condiciones sociales fomentan la existencia de automatas, el resultado no sera amor a la vida, sino amor a la muerte.
De: El Corazón del Hombre. Erick Fromm
From: The Heart of Man by Erich Fromm.


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Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This year, both Mexico and Indonesia are commemorating the 55th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, with a photo exhibition on main street (Paseo de la Reforma and Praga street).

In 2007, the total trade value between Mexico and Indonesia had reached $870 million, which had more than doubled in the last four years.
Trade with Mexico has been heavily in favor of Indonesia for many years, thanks to strong Indonesian exports -- that reached $830 million last year. Mexico exported $40 million worth of goods to Indonesia in 2007.

Con motivo de la conmemoración por los 55 años de relaciones diplomáticas entre la República de Indonesia y México, el pasado 15 de noviembre en el Paseo de la Reforma se inauguró una exposición fotográfica, compuesta por imágenes cuyo objetivo es mostrar la riqueza cultural y natural de Indonesia, resaltando por un lado la gran diversidad que existe en dicha nación, y por otro los rasgos comunes que compartimos con ella.

Indonesia es un país del sudeste asiático con una de las relaciones más antiguas con México, la cual gira alrededor de tres rubros principales: político, comercial y de cooperación cultural. Sabías qué? Indonesia constituye el archipielago más grande del mundo, pues está formado por 17.500 islas, y que el primer europeo en llegar a estas islas fue Marco Polo en 1292.


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Monday, December 1, 2008

Circles / Spheres

December Theme Day: Circles / Spheres
"The wheel has turned full circle".
Sorry I forgot to register in this Theme Day.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


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Friday, November 21, 2008

Open Air Theatre


Art Decó Open Air Theatre at Mexico Park, La Condesa borough.

Teatro al Aire Libre Lindbergh, que consta de de 5 pilares monumentales rematados con una marquesina y rodeado por una pérgola que empieza en una hermosa fuente con una mujer con cántaros de los que brota una fuente y culmina en un escenario que además de las columnas antes mencionadas, cuenta con dos elegantes relieves referentes al arte dramático creados por el escultor Roberto Montenegro. Asimismo, destaca una torre del reloj igualmente ejecutada en estilo Art Decó con una hermosa herrería y unas peculiares campanas que marcan la hora.

Happy Weekend!


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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Keep on Juggling

Juggler apprentice at Mexico Park on Condesa borough.


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Monday, November 17, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Nagual (pronounced nah-wa'hl) is a term used in the books by Carlos Castaneda to describe a person who is able to lead people to new areas of consciousness. Carlos Castaneda's guide, Don Juan Matus, often referred to himself as the Nagual for his "party of warriors". Nagual is considered by Castaneda's followers to be related to Eastern concepts of Tao, meditation, or infinity. In Castaneda's books, one reference to the meaning of nagual is: "... Turn everything into what it really is: the abstract, the spirit, the nagual."

In the works of Carlos Castaneda reality is seen as multi-dimensional or multi-faceted. Usually it is said that a person is only able to see a certain limited aspect of the multi-faceted reality during any given experience. The Nagual is considered an alternate "unknown" side or dimension of reality, as opposed to the Tonal, which can be considered the everyday "known" dimension of reality. It has also been said that the Nagual is all that is, and that it condenses to form what is called the Tonal. The Nagual and the Tonal as dual aspects of reality and being are perceived either through the First Attention, where we experience the Tonal, or the Second Attention where we experience the Nagual. To Castaneda the Tonal is often associated with the masculine aspect of the universe and the Nagual to the feminine. The Tonal can roughly be linked to the concept of Ego, the conscious mind, and subconscious minds.

Inner silence is a key technique for Nagualism as noted in The Active Side Of Infinity, by Castaneda: "Inner silence works from the moment you begin to accrue it. The desired result is what the old sorcerers called stopping the world, the moment when everything around us ceases to be what it's been. It is this moment when man the slave becomes man the free being, capable of feats of perception that defy our linear imagination." Energetically speaking: The goal is to dislodge one's assemblage point from where this reality is perceived. One's incessant internal dialogue is what keeps the assemblage point stuck there. Once Inner Silence is achieved and mastered, one can assemble different realities by moving one's assemblage point.


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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cuernavaca T Shirts

Cuernavaca is located about 85 km (53 mi) south of Mexico City on the M-95 freeway. It is known as "The City of Eternal Spring" because of its consistent 27°C (80°F) weather year round. Cuernavaca sits in the heart of central Mexico, and is surrounded by some of the most beautiful and culturally rich regions of the country.
Cuernavaca lies about 700 metres (2,300 ft) lower than Mexico City, and therefore serves as a popular refuge from the cold for inhabitants of Mexico City. It attracts visitors from around the world for its art, history, and Spanish language schools. Several interesting excursions to nearby attractions are easily managed within a two-hour drive: North America's oldest and most populous city Mexico City to hovering 6,000-metre (20,000 ft) volcanoes topped by Nahuatl ruins like Tepoztlán or Xochicalco— are just a couple of the possibilities within a short distance from the heart of this old, charming city.

Cuernavaca is appreciated for its historical richness, striking scenery, vibrant life, and delightful climate. Surrounded by undulating hills and cut by narrow, cobbled streets, Cuernavaca is a quaint colonial remnant. A wide variety of activities are available with all of the normal services of a modern city. This balance of ancient and new has protected the historical value of the city while offering modern amenities. [Wiki]


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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Chapultepec Light

Rothko in a brief moment of stillness.


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Friday, November 7, 2008

The Change

Bethesda Fountain: The Angel of The Waters by Emma Stebbins. (1868) Central Park, NYC.
[As a symbol of Hope and Change]

"An African American has been elected President of the United States! Anything is possible! We can wrestle our economy out of the hands of the reckless rich and return it to the people. Anything is possible! Every citizen can be guaranteed health care. Anything is possible! We can stop melting the polar ice caps. Anything is possible! Those who have committed war crimes will be brought to justice. Anything is possible.

We really don't have much time. There is big work to do. But this is the week for all of us to revel in this great moment. Be humble about it. Do not treat the Republicans in your life the way they have treated you the past eight years. Show them the grace and goodness that Barack Obama exuded throughout the campaign. Though called every name in the book, he refused to lower himself to the gutter and sling the mud back. Can we follow his example? I know, it will be hard.

I want to thank everyone who gave of their time and resources to make this victory happen. It's been a long road, and huge damage has been done to this great country, not to mention to many of you who have lost your jobs, gone bankrupt from medical bills, or suffered through a loved one being shipped off to Iraq. We will now work to repair this damage, and it won't be easy.

But what a way to start! Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Wow. Seriously, wow."

Michael Moore

¡Un Afro Americano elegido Presidente de los Estados Unidos! ¡Cualquier Cosa Es Posible! Podemos arrancar nuestra economía de las manos de los ricos irresponsables y temerarios y devolvérsela al pueblo. ¡Cualquier Cosa Es Posible! A cada ciudadano se le podrán garantizar cuidados médicos gratuitos. ¡Cualquier Cosa Es Posible! Podemos detener el derretimiento de los casquetes polares. ¡Cualquier Cosa Es Posible! Aquellos que han cometido crímenes de guerra serán llevados ante la justicia. Cualquier Cosa Es Posible.

Realmente no tenemos mucho tiempo. Hay un gran trabajo por delante. Pero esta es la semana, para todos nosotros, de celebrar en grande este gran momento. Pero seamos humildes. No tratemos a los republicanos de la forma en que ellos nos trataron a nosotros los últimos ocho años. Mostrémosles a ellos la gracia y la bondad que Barack Obama exudó durante toda su campaña. Aunque le dijeron todos los insultos que salen en el diccionario, Obama rehusó rebajarse a si mismo para agacharse a la cuneta de la autopista y devolver las inmundas pelotas de barro. ¿Podremos seguir su ejemplo? Será difícil, lo se.

Quiero dar las gracias a todos los que dieron de su tiempo y sus recursos para hacer que esta victoria fuese posible. Ha sido un largo camino, y hay daños enormes que se le han ocasionado a este gran país, sin mencionar a tantos de ustedes que han perdido sus trabajos, que han ido a la quiebra por culpa de las facturas de las clínicas privadas, o que han sufrido a través de un ser querido que ha sido enviado a la guerra en Iraq. Ahora tendremos que trabajar todos juntos para reparar todos esos daños, y créanme que no será fácil.

Pero ¡qué gran manera de empezar! Barack Hussein Obama, 44º Presidente de los Estados Unidos. ¡Guao! Totalmente en serio, ¡Guao!


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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Colorful Day

Democracy doesn't require a whole lot of work of its citizens, but it requires some: It requires taking a good look outside once in a while, and considering the bad news and what it might mean, and making the occasional tough choice, and soberly taking stock of what your real interests are.

This is a very different thing from shopping, which involves passively letting sitcoms melt your brain all day long and then jumping straight into the TV screen to buy a Southern Style Chicken Sandwich because the slob singing "I'm Lovin' It!" during the commercial break looks just like you. The joy of being a consumer is that it doesn't require thought, responsibility, self-awareness or shame: All you have to do is obey the first urge that gurgles up from your stomach. And then obey the next. And the next. And the next.

And when it comes time to vote, all you have to do is put your Country First — just like that lady on TV who reminds you of your cousin.

[From Rolling Stone - Issue 1062 — October 2, 2008]


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Monday, November 3, 2008

La Polar

LA POLAR , LA CASA DE LA BUENA BIRRIA inicia a principios de los años treinta como negocio familiar y gracias a su fundadora, originaria de Ocotlán Jalisco, y a un sin número de colaboradores, quienes a base de trabajo, lucha y sacrificios, han hecho de LA POLAR una empresa sólida y líder en el mercado de la comida mexicana.
LA POLAR , se localiza en la Colonia San Rafael en la Ciudad de México. Comenzó con una pequeña parte de lo que entonces era sólo una cervecería y para el año de 1986 adquiere el giro de RESTAURANTE BAR. En LA POLAR , se elabora LA MEJOR BIRRIA DE MÉXICO al estilo JALISCO, con una receta original, singular y sabrosa, la cual ha colocado a LA POLAR entre los restaurantes favoritos de los paladares más exigentes, y uno de los mejores de esta ciudad y del país.

Birria (accent on the first syllable) is a spicy Mexican meat stew usually made with goat, lamb, or mutton, often served during festive periods, such as Christmas, New Year's Eve, Mother's Day, and weddings. Originally from Jalisco, it is a common dish in some Mexican food establishments. It is served with corn tortillas, onion, cilantro, and lime.

Birria is made using a base of dried roasted peppers. This gives birria both its characteristic savoriness as well as its remarkable variety, as different cooks will chose different peppers to use for the broth base. Birria is served by combining a bowl of broth with freshly chopped roasted meat of the customer's choice. One eats it by filling a corn tortilla with meat, onions and cilantro, seasoning with fresh squeezed lime juice, and then dipping it into the broth before eating it. The broth itself is also eaten with a spoon. [Wiki]


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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dia de Muertos

Las Calacas

Tequila for The Dead

The Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos in Spanish) is a holiday celebrated mainly in Mexico and by people of Mexican heritage (and others) living in the United States and Canada. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and relatives who have died. The celebration occurs on the 1st and 2nd of November, in connection with the Catholic holy days of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day which take place on those days. Traditions include building private altars honoring the deceased, using sugar skulls, marigolds, and the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these as gifts. Observance of the holiday in Mexican-American communities in the United States has become more important and widespread as the community grows numerically and economically. [Wiki.]


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