The Magic of the Cities.

Zen promotes the rediscovery of the obvious, which is so often lost in its familiarity and simplicity. It sees the miraculous in the common and magic in our everyday surroundings. When we are not rushed, and our minds are unclouded by conceptualizations, a veil will sometimes drop, introducing the viewer to a world unseen since childhood. ~ John Greer

Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009


In the ancient times, the Mayan developed a holy inner city that ascended high above the majestic cristal blue seaside of the Caribbean and was protected by 3 enormous walls and a steep cliff. This walled abode was given the honorary name of Tulum, the walled Mayan city.

With over 60 restored temples, Tulum has hidden secrets that are spoken within the sacred walls with genuine paintings of the mysterious hieroglyphic writings. Only the high priests, mathematicians, astronomers, architects and engineers were allowed to dwell within the arms of this sacred city while the commoners remained living beyond this holy city.

These gifted Mayans invented a calendar more accurate than the one existing today and also left the legacy of the creation of the zero. These inventions and calculations are clearly proven by the distinct position between the temples and the precise timing of the sun called the Equinox. The most important structure is called The Castle, situated on a 40 foot bluff overlooking aqua blue waters. This temple is considered the tallest in the city.

Also examine the walls of the temple of the frescoes that was known for having great social and religious influence. This temple still has detailed carved figures with the original colored paintings. The risen cliff of Tulum has a break in it and has formed an accessible cove area with a white sandy beach. This location gave easy access to fishing boats. Trade was an essential living for the Mayans and the Quintana Roo coast was the primary route for Mayan trade of the time.


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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cancun I

In the fall of 1968, the creation of the resort city of Cancun was nothing but a gleam in the eye of a young Mexican banker named Enrique Savignac. The young banker and a small group of optimists searched every inch of the exotic Mexican coastline in search of the ideal spot to built their vacation paradise.

The lost civilization of Quintana Roo was nominated the future location where the young banker's dream would soon become a reality. This thin sandy strip of land was basically molded and shaped by hand to create 15 miles of modern five star hotels along the white sandy shore that have been enticing the world ever since. Cancun has grown to be one of the most renowned resorts in the world

Cancun has a big international airport and you can get cheap flight from many cities of the world with a none stop flight, competitive airfares year round on regular and charter airlines. If your cheap airfare comes with 3 or 4 nights in a Cancun Hotel, snap it up. Extend your ticket and spend at least 3 days exploring the rest of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Then you can rent a car or take a bus, and head South and see the best of Mexico's Caribbean coast.,Virgin beaches, Mayan Ruins, beautiful reefs, cenotes and many natural wonders as Garrafon in Isla Mujeres, Xcaret and Xel-ha.
Cancun is a wonderful resort town with a lot to offer. It is a top location for a big city, shopping and partying,a wonderful experience. It is great for a little weekend get away - stay at a nice five star hotel, drink margaritas, dance at the night clubs, play, the golf courses, dineout, and relax or shop during the day.

Cancun offers a large variety of aquatic sports and tours, as the pirate night, the jungle tour, snorkeling, diving, fishing, parasailing, almost everything.
Cancun is the preferred place for high school and college Spring Break students, and they have a huge Spring jazz festival and many concerts, special events and Dj´s in some night clubs like the City . You will have a guaranteed good time, a splendid vacation.


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Monday, February 2, 2009

Obscured by Clouds

By the way, do you know haiku?
It is very short poem in Japan.
It has only three lines.
In Japanese the lines have five, seven and five syllables.
But only in those lines, people can understand the poet's feeling.

Here is a famous haiku:
Furu-ike ya(古池や)
kazazu tobikomu(蛙飛び込む)
mizu no oto(水の音)

The old pond
a frog jumps in
the sound of water.

You might think "so what is that? or what does it mean?" after reading it.
Haiku has no logic, or no subject and conclusion.
It has just only feeling. That's all.
I can feel it but it is hard for me to explain what it intends...

In the past there was no camera,
and brush and color for painting might be so expensive,
so people clipped and painted the daily scenery by language, not by brush and color.

It is like photography or art.


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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mercurio y Argos / Argus & Hermes

Sculpture by Felipe Sojo. S. XIX.

Argus was Hera's servant. His great service to the Olympian pantheon was to slay the chthonic serpent-legged monster Echidna as she slept in her cave. Hera's defining task for Argus was to guard the white heifer Io from Zeus, keeping her chained to the sacred olive tree at the Argive Heraion. She charged him to "Tether this cow safely to an olive-tree at Nemea". Hera knew that the heifer was in reality Io, one of the many nymphs Zeus was coupling with to establish a new order. To free Io, Zeus had Argus slain by Hermes. Hermes, disguised as a shepherd, first put all of Argus's eyes asleep with spoken charms, then slew him by hitting him with a stone, the first stain of bloodshed among the new generation of gods.


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Missing Book

Cheap & popular books $ 10.00 Pesos each ($ 0.71 USD)
-A. Conan Doyle, Daniel Defoe, Robert Louis Stevenson, E. Salgari, I. M. Altamirano-


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Monday, January 26, 2009

Aztec Underworld

The Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral is the largest and oldest cathedral in the Americas, it is situated atop the former Aztec sacred precinct near the Templo Mayor on the northern side of the main square. Here, two views of people seeing the underworld (aztec ruins) in 3 times, Modern, Colonial and Pre-hispanic.

The Aztec Mythology and their Underworld, Mictlan.
In Aztec belief, the surface of the earth was a thin crust between the material (apparent) reality and the real world of spirit. Death was not taken at face value in Aztec religion, but was seen as the essence of life itself and the creation of a renewed beginning, a Beginning and an End at the same time - an unbroken cycle. According to the shaman, everything is part of the same life force. Birth was an emerging from this world of spirit and Death was a return back into it. In this unending cycle, the crops died and were reborn - that is, if the spirit world allowed it.
Mictlan is the lowest layer of the underworld, situated in the north. Every soul, except those of fallen warriors and women who died giving birth, have to descend to the underworld. Here, their souls will find eternal rest. However, they first have to make the dangerous journey to Mictlan. At the burial, the deceased are given magical powers and with the help of the god Xolotl, they are able to make this journey safely. The ruler of this underworld is Mictlantecuhtli.

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Friday, January 23, 2009


Ver. 2

David's Fountain in Rio de Janeiro Park.


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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

El Organillero / The Organ Grinder

The organ grinder was a musical novelty street performer of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century, and refers to the operator of a street organ. This is one of a few in Mexico City and in the country, almost extinct.


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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

¡Por Fin! / At Last!

First page of yesterday newspaper La Jornada


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Saturday, January 17, 2009

El Beso / The Kiss

A kiss is the touching of one person's lips, which is used as an expression of affection, respect, greeting, farewell, good luck, romantic affection or sexual desire.
Guanajuato is really gorgeous, It´s built on the slopes of a ravine, and many of the houses are painted bright colours - very picturesque. There are a few hills (and steps) to climb, but it´s not as steep as Taxco. The city is a Unesco World heritage site, so there´s no traffic lights.
Incredible, the mayor (panista, right wing) of this beautiful city had forbid kiss in public.

El alcalde de la ciudad de Guanajuato, el panista Eduardo Romero Hicks, anunció este viernes que el bando de policía y buen gobierno —que castiga con multas o cárcel a quienes pidan limosna, digan palabras altisonantes o se besen en la vía pública.

El bando, aprobado por 10 ediles de Acción Nacional (PAN) y uno del Partido del Trabajo (PT), castiga con 36 horas de cárcel o multas de hasta 30 salarios mínimos (más de $ 1 500.00) a quienes pidan limosna, digan palabras altisonantes, vendan en la calle, hagan manifestaciones o se besen.

También incluye castigos a los promotores turísticos que se acerquen a los automovilistas, a quienes no usen los puentes peatonales y a los limpiaparabrisas.

[ Conozcan a sus politicos. Es la mentalidad de la derecha, la regresión, la infelicidad, la frustración, que alternativas plantean a la gente, en lugar de besarse, apedrearse, lapidarse? Lastima de vidas, desperdiciadas en el desamor, en el odio, que triste, gente sin Amor.
Dios, de donde sacan a estas gentes, pobres de sus familias, que infelices deben ser. ]

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Globos / Balloons

Plaza Principal de Leon Gto. / Main Square at Leon, Guanajuato. Mexico.


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Monday, January 12, 2009

Cow Parade Leon 2

Exhibit on main square of Leon, Guanajuato. Mexico.
For Art, For Charity, For Fun
CowParade is the world’s largest public art event. From Chicago and New York in 1999 and 2000 to Kansas City and Houston in 2001 and London in 2002, CowParade continues to evolve, not just in size, but in creativity and quality of art. While the cow sculptures remain the same, each city’s artists are challenged by the art from past events, inspired by the cultural influences of their respective cities, and moved by their own interpretation of the cow as an art object.
CowParade is not meant to be high art, however. It is first and foremost a public art exhibit that is accessible to everyone.


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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cow Parade Leon I

Milk Bath by Celso Garcia 2006 at Cow Parade exhibition in Leon, Guanajuato.


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Friday, January 9, 2009

Sunset in Leon

Parque Metropolitano de Leon / Metropolitan Park at dusk.


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Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Closer I Get To You

Among the flowers on the Hills of the city of Leon, Guanajuato. Mexico.

Alone And Drinking Under The Moon

Amongst the flowers I
am alone with my pot of wine
drinking by myself; then lifting
my cup I asked the moon
to drink with me, its reflection
and mine in the wine cup, just
the three of us; then I sigh
for the moon cannot drink,
and my shadow goes emptily along
with me never saying a word;
with no other friends here, I can
but use these two for company;
in the time of happiness, I
too must be happy with all
around me; I sit and sing
and it is as if the moon
accompanies me; then if I
dance, it is my shadow that
dances along with me; while
still not drunk, I am glad
to make the moon and my shadow
into friends, but then when
I have drunk too much, we
all part; yet these are
friends I can always count on
these who have no emotion
whatsoever; I hope that one day
we three will meet again,
deep in the Milky Way.

Li Po

Happy New Year 2009

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