The Magic of the Cities.

Zen promotes the rediscovery of the obvious, which is so often lost in its familiarity and simplicity. It sees the miraculous in the common and magic in our everyday surroundings. When we are not rushed, and our minds are unclouded by conceptualizations, a veil will sometimes drop, introducing the viewer to a world unseen since childhood. ~ John Greer

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Jazz is there and gone. It happens. You have to be present for it. That simple.

If you already have a piece of music ingrained in your body, why would you not play it?

We accept so many things that come through the media; we get used to them, however vigilant we are. But for any creative art, you have to remain 110% conscious, and in a world that's losing consciousness, that's getting harder.

   Keith Jarrett

Thanks for visiting, please be sure that I read each and every one of your kind comments, I appreciate them all. Stay tuned.

Monday, March 2, 2015


- iPhoneography -

Street Art Wall Stencils

There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction.
— Salvador Dali

Thanks for visiting, please be sure that I read each and every one of your kind comments, I appreciate them all. Stay tuned.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Theme Day - Aging

In Bed by Ron Mueck 2005

“You don't stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.”
― George Bernard Shaw

“Spring passes and one remembers one's innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance.”
― Yoko Ono

“Most people don't grow up. Most people age. They find parking spaces, honor their credit cards, get married, have children, and call that maturity. What that is, is aging.”
― Maya Angelou

Click here to view thumbnails of all participants in this theme day!

Thanks for visiting, please be sure that I read each and every one of your kind comments, I appreciate them all. Stay tuned.

Friday, February 27, 2015


“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”
― T.S. EliotFour Quartets

Fri Feb 27, 2015
This weeks challenge:

Thanks for visiting, please be sure that I read each and every one of your kind comments, I appreciate them all. Stay tuned.