
Tlatelolco is an area in Mexico City, centered on the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, a square surrounded on three sides by an excavated Aztec pyramid, the 17th century church Templo de Santiago, and the modern ex office complex of the Mexican foreign ministry.
Originally it was an independent Aztec city, but it was absorbed by Tenochtitlán. During the Aztec rule, it was the market district of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán, probably one of the largest in the Americas.
According to Conquistador Bernal Díaz del Castillo, it was larger than the city of Sevilla and larger than any market any of the Spaniards had seen, even those of Venice and Constantinople, with about 20,000 to 40,000 people trading.
When the conquistadors led by Hernán Cortés lay siege to Tenochtitlán, they conquered and razed it district by district. The surrounding Aztec cities surrendered to Cortés, but the Tlatelolcas remained with the Aztec (Tenochcas). The Aztecs, led by Cuauhtemoc, were finally confined to Tlaltelolco, where they made their last stand, and were defeated beside the Tlatelolcas and slaughtered by the conquistadors.
Over 40,000 Aztec men, women, and children perished at Tlatelolco on August 13, 1521.
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it makes me want to visit your city!
nice shot
Interesting history. Looks like a beautiful place to be.
I'm so pleased that you posted this site among so many others you might have chosen. Your city is rich in history.
viva mexico
Excellent history lesson! Happy Theme Day from Maui!
The contrast of old and new make this a very appealing photo. Your story about the slaughter of some many is very sad.
The contrast of old and new make this a very appealing photo. Your story about the slaughter of some many is very sad.
Great spot and illuminating history. Are those cisterns in the foreground?
Really gorgeous picture - I want to visit!
That is so beautiful...I can see why people would flock to your area!
Really, gorgeous photo, your city is so in my top ten places to visit. Stunning.
That's a really nice historical write up. Thanks for sharing. That is a nice photo, too.
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Itis my first time here but i'll come every day from now!
I love your choice....nicely done!
Just a lovely place I'd really like to visit!
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
interesting comparison on old and new and strange texture in sky.
Such an impressive place. Your photo is quite remarkable.
Lovely photo (and place). Your photography and graphic design is beautiful.:)
Nice bit of history!
You have a magnificent city and a LOT of history! Thank you for sharing it. Love your large size photos on your blog too! I'm sorry I've never made it before, but I'll be back. Happy Theme Day!
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