The Magic of the Cities.

Zen promotes the rediscovery of the obvious, which is so often lost in its familiarity and simplicity. It sees the miraculous in the common and magic in our everyday surroundings. When we are not rushed, and our minds are unclouded by conceptualizations, a veil will sometimes drop, introducing the viewer to a world unseen since childhood. ~ John Greer

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eternal Spring City

On The Road (After the magnitude 6.5 earthquake that struck Mexico's western Guerrero state on Saturday night, shaking buildings and causing panic from Mexico City to the Pacific resort of Acapulco.)

Hidalgo Street

Bridge House
Cuernavaca is the capital and largest city of the Mexican state of Morelos.  Established at the archeological site of Gualupita I by the Olmecs, "the mother culture" of Mesoamerica, approximately 3200 years ago. It is also a municipality located about 85 km (53 mi) south of Mexico City on the D-95 freeway.
The city was nicknamed the "City of Eternal Spring" by Alexander von Humboldt in the 19th century. It has long been a favorite escape for Mexico City and foreign visitors because of this warm, stable climate and abundant vegetation. Aztec emperors had summer residences there, and even today many famous people as well as Mexico City residents maintain homes there. Cuernavaca is also host to a large foreign resident population, including large numbers of students who come to study the Spanish language.


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Saturday, December 10, 2011

For Your Eyes Only

Life is a long lesson in humility.  ~James M. Barrie


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Friday, December 9, 2011


Photo Friday - Fri Dec 09, 2011
This week's challenge:
'Depth Perception'.

Jaques Torres Chocolate
Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass, on Water Street, you will find the first Jacques Torres Chocolate location. From street level, visitors can glimpse the chocolate factory in action and the store shelves filled with chocolate treats.


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Thursday, December 8, 2011

NYC - II (Secret Fiesta)

In the words of Henri Cartier-Bresson, "you have to blend in like a fish in water, you have to forget yourself."


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Man has always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much...the wheel, New York, wars and so on...while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man...for precisely the same reason.
~Douglas Adams

I went to see a band in New York. The lead singer got on the microphone, and he said How many of you people feel like human beings tonight? Then he said How many of you feel like animals? And everyone cheered after the animals part. But the thing is, I cheered after the human being part because I did not know that there was a second part to the question.

~Mitch Hedberg


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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend.  ~Corey Ford


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Monday, December 5, 2011

Central Park Runners


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Sunday, December 4, 2011


(Sculptures by Jose Luis Cuevas)
The first thing we have to learn is that love is an art, just as living is an art; if we want to learn how to love we must proceed in the same way we have to proceed if we want to learn any other art. Maybe here lies the answer to the question of why people in our culture try so rarely to learn this art, in spite of their obvious failures: in spite of the deep-seated craving for love, almost everything else is considered to be more important than love: success, prestige, money, power - almost all our energy is used for learning of how to achieve these aims, and almost none to learn the art of loving.
Extracts from - The Art of Loving - By Erich Fromm.


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Friday, December 2, 2011


“Music should be thought of as the desire for an ecstatic relationship to life."
"Music has to have a deep joy inside it."

~ Keith Jarrett  [Musician and former disciple of the mystic philosopher G.I. Gurdjieff.]


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