The Magic of the Cities.

Zen promotes the rediscovery of the obvious, which is so often lost in its familiarity and simplicity. It sees the miraculous in the common and magic in our everyday surroundings. When we are not rushed, and our minds are unclouded by conceptualizations, a veil will sometimes drop, introducing the viewer to a world unseen since childhood. ~ John Greer

Friday, September 19, 2014


Juarez Ave. Mexico City

“Mineral cacti,
quicksilver lizards in the adobe walls,
the bird that punctures space,
thirst, tedium, clouds of dust,
impalpable epiphanies of wind.
The pines taught me to talk to myself.
In that garden I learned to send myself off.
Later there were no gardens. ”
― Octavio PazA Draft of Shadows and Other Poems

Fri Sep 19, 2014
This week’s challenge:

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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Women Island

Isla Mujeres. Cancun

 “Time is more complex near the sea than in any other place, for in addition to the circling of the sun and the turning of the seasons, the waves beat out the passage of time on the rocks and the tides rise and fall as a great clepsydra.”
― John SteinbeckTortilla Flat

Thanks for visiting, please be sure that I read each and every one of your kind comments, I appreciate them all. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Street Children

“The literature of the poor, the feelings of the child, the philosophy of the street, the meaning of household life, are the topics of the time. It is a great stride. It is a sign,--is it not? of new vigor, when the extremities are made active, when currents of warm life run into the hands and the feet.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks for visiting, please be sure that I read each and every one of your kind comments, I appreciate them all. Stay tuned.

Monday, September 15, 2014


“Butterflies are self propelled flowers.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

“Nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small it takes time - we haven't time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time.”
― Georgia O'Keeffe

Thanks for visiting, please be sure that I read each and every one of your kind comments, I appreciate them all. Stay tuned.